University of Queensland Diamantina Institute
Functional Studies of Diet x Microbiota Interactions in Digestive Health.
Functional Studies of Diet x Microbiota Interactions in Digestive Health.
Probiotics Research and Intestinal Spirochetosis.
Metagenomics-Directed Characterization and Isolation of Novel Lineages of Gut Microbes.
Dr. Grace Burns is a postdoctoral researcher in Immunology and Microbiology, working in the Centre of Research Excellence in Digestive Health. Her current research examines the influence of circadian rhythm on immune and microbiome-related symptoms in gastrointestinal disease.
Dr Emily Hoedt is a microbiologist with expertise in microbiome/metagenome analysis and interpretation. Her research experience includes microbiome studies within gastroenterology, probiotic development and microbial/food bioreactors. She was awarded a BBioTech Hons I and PhD in Microbiology Biotechnology by the University of Queensland, Australia in 2017.
‘Gut you covered’: Delivering Effective and Acceptable Personalised Multidisciplinary Integrated Care for a Superior Treatment Approach for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs).
Investigating the pathophysiology and treatment of rumination syndrome.
Microbiome and Immune-Phenotyping of Dietary Wheat Sensitivity.
The Role of Microbial Oxygen Sensing in the Development of Anastomotic Leaks.
Microbiome of Surgical Site Infections.
Modulation of the Microbiota in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Mechanisms of Stress-Induced Intestinal Inflammation in GI Disease.
The Eosinophilic Microbiota – The Influence of Eosinophilia on the Mucosal Hostmicrobiota Homeostasis.
The Impact of Perinatal Immune Challenge and Adolescent Stress on Gastrointesinal Inflammation and Integrity and the Relationship with Anxiety.
The Impact of Surgery, Inflammation and Sepsis on Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) Formation and Subsequent Metastatic Disease in Colorectal Cancer.
Analysis of Diverticular Disease as a Comparative Study of Histology Tissue Sections using Laser Capture Microdissection to Determine Potential Microbiome Influences on Disease State.
Improving the Role of Pharmacists in Primary Care of IBD Patients.
Defining the Role of the Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in Digestive Health and Diseases.
Defining the Role of the Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in Digestive Health and Diseases.
Comparative and Functional Analyses of the Methane-Producing Archaea from Gut Ecosystems
The Role of Circadian Rhythms in the Pathophysiology of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Modelling Epithelial-Enteric Nervous System Signalling in Gut and Brain Disorders
Diet in Crohn’s disease