Clinical Trials

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Current and Upcoming Clinical Trials

Our Centre of Excellence in Digestive Health supports research, training, multidisciplinary collaboration and translation of findings for the understanding, identification and management of chronic digestive diseases. To achieve these aims, we also conduct clinical trials. Read below or contact us for more information on our current or upcoming clinical trials.

  • A multidisciplinary integrated treatment approach to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms, anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders, stable inflammatory bowel disease, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH).
  • Targeting the gut microbiome as a treatment for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: The Queensland Network Study (NHMRC MRFF funded)
  • A randomised controlled trial of antibiotic therapy in functional dyspepsia with and without non-constipation irritable bowel syndrome
  • Modulation of the Gastrointestinal Microbiome with probiotics and subsequent Methane production as a novel approach to treat constipation
  • A randomised controlled trial of Budesonide in functional dyspepsia with increased duodenal eosinophilia – Proof of Principle
  • A randomised controlled trial of Metronidazole in diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome with colonic spirochaetosis
  • A randomised controlled trial of Histamine 1 and 2 blockers in functional dyspepsia with increased duodenal mast cells
  • A randomised controlled trial of Bile acid binder in diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome with bile salt overflow

If you would like to find out more about participating in a clinical trial, click here to contact us.

To find out more about the outcomes of these studies check our publications and conference presentations.
