Upcoming Event: Investigations, Management and Prevention of Dysphagia; the surgeon’s and the gastroenterologist’s perspectives

The management of patients with dysphagia is frequently challenging. This event will provide valuable insights not only through expert-led presentations and discussions but also by facilitating an open dialogue among gastroenterologists, surgeons, and allied healthcare professionals. Our focus will be on cutting-edge diagnostic tools and techniques, evidence-based treatment options, and the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork to ensure the highest quality of care for patients with dysphagia.

Join us for this free online or in-person event on the 7th September to hear from leading researchers and clinicians.

Chaired by Prof Gerald Holtmann and Prof Mark Smithers, the event will discuss the following agenda items.

  • Management of caustic and iatrogenic strictures- Dr Peter Ko, Brisbane
  • Manometric assessment of patients with dysphagia: Is Chicago the ultimate destination?- Professor Magnus Halland, Newcastle
  • Endoscopic approaches to treat achalasia and related conditions- Professor Luke Hourigan, Brisbane
  • Surgical approaches for achalasia and oesophageal diverticula- Dr Adam Frankel, Brisbane

Book your free ticket and find out more information here or scan the QR code below to register.
